陳珈文 (圓號)
陳珈文現為香港小交響樂團圓號樂師。陳氏自10歲起師承關山明。於2017年在香港演藝學院取得學士學位 (榮譽), 師承裘德禮;在學其間,陳氏獲得多項獎學金,包括「成龍慈善基金獎學金」、「劉元生慈善基金獎學金」及「香港愛樂團獎學金」。隨後於2018年獲得「香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金」,於香港演藝學院修讀碩士學位,師從香港管弦樂團圓號首席江藺。
2016年陳珈文於香港演藝學院協奏曲比賽中勝出。2016及2017年跟隨亞洲青年管弦樂團於多國巡迴演出,包括美國、德國、意大利、法國、台灣、新加坡、越南、日本等。陳氏亦活躍於室內樂,曾擔任「香港演藝學院木管重奏團」圓號手參加「泰國國際木管交響樂比賽 2019 」及 「2019 “布魯塞爾” 國際音樂大獎賽」,均獲得金獎優異成績。
Chan Kar Man Cheryl, the Orchestral Associate (Horn) from the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. She started her horn training at the age of 10 with Mr Kwan Shan Ming Benny. She obtained her Bachelor of Music in 2017 under the tutelage of Mr Joe Kirtley at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She is now studying the Master of Music at the HKAPA under the guidance of Mr Lin Jiang, Principal Horn of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. During her studies, Cheryl received a full scholarship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund for her Master studies. She also received the Jacky Chan Music Scholarship, YS Liu Foundation Scholarship, and SAR Philharmonic Scholarship during her Bachelor studies. In 2016, Cheryl won the concerto trial at the HKAPA and performed Franz Strauss’s Horn Concerto with the Academy Symphony Orchestra. She joined the Asian Youth Orchestra in 2016 and 2017, performing in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, San Francisco, New York, Berlin, France, Belgium, Spain, and Italy.
Cheryl has performed in masterclasses by internationally renowned artists such as David Cooper, André Cazalet, Radovan Vlatković, and Frank Lloyd, attaining high praise. She participated in the International Horn Symposium and La Chaux-de-Fonds Horn Academy. Cheryl is also active as a chamber musician. She represented the HKAPA Wind Ensemble and obtained First Prize at the 2019 Thailand Wind Symphony Competition (TIWSC) Open Class (Small Wind Ensemble) and was the First Prize Winner of 2019 International Music Competition ‘Brussels’ Grand Prize Virtuoso.