馮逸山 (單簧管)
馮逸山是一名活躍於香港的單簧管手。致力推動室樂,現為「時 ‧ 刻室樂」及「小簧子」之策劃及單簧管手。「時 ‧ 刻室樂」以舉辦專題古典室樂聚為主,嚴選樂曲為材並以主題連繋,透過輕鬆的解說及專業演奏為聽眾提供古典室樂體驗。「小簧子」是一隊活躍於香港的單簧管合奏團,透過生動的演奏與聽眾分享各類型的單簧管音樂。
曲獨奏演出。 近日受邀參與無極樂團「空塵」及「人淡如菊」意境音樂劇場演出。現常為香港創樂團客席演奏,曾於香港藝術節及新視野藝術節等節目演出。九月於上海新音樂周及首爾電子音樂節演出受到高度肯定。馮氏曾首演多首單簧管獨奏作品,包括於2015 年 Robert Saxton Festival 中首演 Alexander Proudlock 由 RNCM 委約的單簧管獨奏曲“Jack in the Box”。
音樂學院 (RNCM)進修並獲得音樂碩士學位,師承 John Bradbury, Lynsey Marsh 及Nichloas Cox。在學期間曾於 2016 年贏得 RNCM 跨樂系室樂比賽及於 2014 年的第六屆“Giovanni Musicisti - Città di Treviso”國際室樂比賽中得獎。
馮氏熱愛管弦樂、室樂及新音樂單簧管演奏。曾參與香港管弦樂團 Share The Stage
計劃、Halle 管弦樂團 Professional Experience Scheme (PES) 及 BBC 管弦樂團 PES 並參與 BBC 管弦樂團之演出及錄音工作。並曾於 RNCM 管弦樂團,RNCM 室樂團,
RNCM 新音樂樂團,Piccadilly 管弦樂團,Ponte Orchestra,Pro Arte Orchestra of
Hong Kong 及崇基管弦樂團等樂團擔任首席單簧管手。
FUNG YAT SHAN (LINUS) is an active Hong Kong-based young clarinettist. He has given clarinet recitals in Hong Kong, Macau, Shantou and Manchester. In Spring 2018, he has his concerto debut with the Hong Kong Medical Association Orchestra in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall.
Linus is an active new music performer. He frequently plays for the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble and Wuji Ensemble. he has performed in Shianghai New Music Week, Seoul International Computer Music Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, New Vision Arts Festival, “HKxZurich Telematic Project” and other projects with the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble.
Linus premièred and was dedicated by composer Alexander Proudlock (UK) a solo clarinet piece “Jack in the Box” in the Robert Saxton Festival in 2015 commissioned by RNCM.
As a chamber musician, Linus is the clarinettist and curator of active local classical chamber group, The TimeCrafters. The TimeCrafters focuses on giving themed chamber concerts through light-hearted explanations and quality performances. The group holds a concert series in Fringe Club Hong Kong and has given concerts for Hong Kong Arts Festival Plus, Hong Kong Arts Festival Outreach, HK Art Museum Sunday Concert Series, Jockey Club Music Children Fruit Programme and more. Recently, they received Hong Kong Modern Academy’s Creative Project Fund for the project “Project: Chrome”. In January 2018, Linus was being interviewed on RTHK’s “The Work” on The TimeCrafters and gave a performance
on Horovitz’s clarinet sonatina.
In spring 2018, he also started and direct the clarinet ensemble “Reed A Bit”, giving community concerts.Linus has won the Cross-school Chamber Music Prize (RNCM) 2016 and was a finalist of the 6th International Competition ‘Giovanni Musicisti – Città di Treviso’ with his clarinet trio.
Linus started his musical pursue in the music department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong majoring in clarinet under the tutorship of Martin Choy. Linus then graduated and further studied in Royal Northern College of Music majoring in clarinet performance under the tutorship of John Bradbury, Lynsey Marsh and Nicholas Cox. Other important mentors include Charles Neidich and Ayako Oshima from the Juilliard School whom he took lessons with during the Kitakaruizawa clarinet seminar. In summer 2018, Linus was invited to demonstrate and performed a solo piece in Ayako Oshima’s lecture in Hong Kong.
During the years of study, Linus auditioned into The Hallé Symphony Orchestra’s and BBC Philharmonic’s Professional Experience Scheme in year 2015 and 2016 respectively. He has performed, recorded and broadcasted with the BBC Philharmonic in 2016. In 2013, he auditioned into Hong Kong Philharmonic’s first “Share the Stage” programme as principal clarinetist, playing under the baton of the late Lorin Mazael. FUNG has also performed with orchestras including RNCM Symphony Orchestra, RNCM Chamber Orchestra, RNCM New Music Orchestra, Piccadilly Symphony Orchestra, Ponte Orchestra, Hong Kong Festival Orchestra, Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong and Chung Chi Orchestra as principal clarinetist.
Other remarkable achievements include catching a flight in Chicago O’Hare running from one terminal to another in 8 minutes and accidentally pulling down a basketball rim.