2019 年 4 月 19 日 (星期五) 晚上7時30分
19 April 2019 (Fri) 7:30 pm
香 港 大 會 堂 音 樂 廳
Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall
票價 Ticket price: $360 / $240 / $160
樂樂國樂團 45 週年音樂會

更上一層樓,到另一境界 (今日頭條)
演出精彩紛呈,高潮迭起 (大公報)
藉樂曲旋律,打動人心 (星島日報)
中西樂傳承 香港你最棒 (標題)(信報)
激活、創新所做的努力有目共睹 (南 華早報)
充滿創意,跨越時空 (大公報)
敢於創新、意念前衛、嶄新體驗 (東方日報)
Professional and outstanding…their music touched the hearts of the audience.(The Standard)

意念設計與中樂團《玩爆音樂廳》(世界首演) 倫偉傑 曲
概念設計 阿V
動作設計 林芝瑛
民族管弦樂組曲《太陽頌》王丹紅 曲
Multi-media Music Production LOL Hall of Music (World Premiere) LUN Wai-kit Edward
Conceptual design Vivek MAHBUBANI
Movement design LAM Chi-ying Gigi
This new work is commissioned by Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited in 2019 with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund.
Chinese Orchestral Music Hymn to the Sun Wang Danhong
合奏《絲綢之路》姜瑩 曲
Chinese Orchestral Music Silk Road JIANG Ying
Pipa and Chinese Orchestra Loulan Girl LIU Xijin
票價 Ticket price:$360/$240/$160
Tickets available at URBTIX from 19 March 2019 onwards
音樂會只招待三歲或以上人士 For ages 3 or above
信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking 2111 5999
網上購票Internet Booking www.urbtix.hk
購票應用程式 Mobile App Booking My URBTIX (Android及iPhone)
票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries: 3761 6661
節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 39562143 /網站 Website: http://www.yaoyueh.com/
全日制學生、60歲以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及其看護人、綜合社會保障援助受惠人士半價優惠。10-19張九折,20張或以上八折,購買門票只可享上述其中一項優惠。Half-price tickets are available for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. Group ticket discounts: 10% off for purchase of 10 to 19 standard tickets; 20% off for purchase of 20 or more standard tickets. Customers could enjoy ONE of the above discounts for each purchase only.
主辦機構保留更改演出者與節目之權利 All programme and performers are subjected to change.
節目全長約2小時 Duration of programme approximately 2 hours