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Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association

Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited and its orchestra (YYCMA), founded in 1974, is one of the long standing orchestras in Hong Kong. Registered as a charity organization in 2016 (registration number: 91/14321), the orchestra aims at promoting Chinese music and original works written by Hong Kong composers. Built on the Chinese heritage, the orchestra is adding new flavor and creativity to the sustainable development of Chinese music in Hong Kong, attracting audiences to enter the realm of Chinese music appreciation. In the past five years, the orchestra has commissioned over thirty original works written by Hong Kong composers in addition to three special concerts featuring Hong Kong compositions.  

Under the leadership of the current Music Director and founding conductor, Dr. Leung Chi-cheung, the orchestra performs highly acclaimed concerts in Hong Kong. The media praised the orchestra’s performance on their professionalism, creativity and innovations. Continual multi-media productions ranges from traditional, popular to cutting edge media, which include Chinese painting, calligraphy, poetry recitation, narration, standup comedy, sand painting, animation, micro-movie, modern dance, laptop orchestra, digital art, etc. Among its busy concert schedule in Hong Kong, the orchestra has been invited to perform in Singapore, Zhongshan and Macao.  In 2017, being recognized as an eminent orchestra in Hong Kong, YYCMA was invited by Dr. Samson Young to film in an experimental movie on the development of local orchestras in Hong Kong. The movie was screened in Hong Kong and Zurich. In the same year, the YYCMA orchestra was invited to perform in the 30th Macau International Music Festival, and record soundtracks for a Chinese fantasy-action-adventure movie, Wu Kong, directed by Derek Kwok.
Other than the core YYCMA orchestra which comprises 80 players, YYCMA founded another ensemble YY PopUp in 2016. The ensemble aims to pursuit a high artistic level, and enrich the culture of Chinese music ensemble performance in Hong Kong. It comprises dedicated professional musicians and award winning players. The group launched three major concerts since then and was often invited to perform in various events. In 2019, YY PopUp was awarded Golden Prize in the ensemble category of the Fourth Nan Fung International Music Competition held in Malaysia. Two of its members won Gold and Silver prizes solo categories respectively. In 2020, YYCMA is forming the Hong Kong Legends Chinese-Western mixed orchestra. The Hong Kong Arts Development Council sponsors its debut concert. The 15-player orchestra will focus on performing music featuring Hong Kong contents, including social issues, life style, love and affection, Chinese kung fu, etc. 
YYCMA has always been a staunch supporter of community and educational campaigns and actively involved in improving the lives of the less fortunate. In 2016, YYCMA founded the Yao Yueh Music Academy. The Academy is providing systematic and enjoyable tutorial to young people and the public at large. YYCMA also provides discount and free concert tickets to the under-privileged families through establishing a community support program. In 2016, YYCMA has become the first local orchestra to launch a crowdfunding programme for its Elderly Chinese Music Programme to foster inter-generation harmony. In addition, YYCMA is highly engaged in charity concerts arousing the public of the needs of the under-privileged and raising funds for them. Its commitment and dedication in community work has won YYCMA a 3-year project grant (2020-2023) offered by the government’s Community Investment and Inclusion Fund. The project aims to soothe the pressure and calm the emotion of the carers through Chinese music appreciation, performances, tutorial, music therapy, street booths and home visits; and energize the carers through engagement in performing in a self-sustained Chinese orchestra serving the community. 
The outstanding performances of YYCMA in music creativity and services in community have attracted sponsorship from various public and private organizations. As an independent art institution, YYCMA will continue to strive for excellence in Chinese music performance and serve fervently for the betterment of the society.

© 2024 by Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association

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