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邵琳 (二胡)



邵琳六歲開始習琴, 十歲以優異的成績考入上海音樂學院附小。先後師從盧建業、林心銘、吳之瑉教授並以優異成績畢業於上海音樂學院,其後任職上海民族樂團。


邵琳的二胡演奏音色細膩、技巧嫻熟,音樂感人而別具一格,充滿著豐富的藝術表現力和感染力。邵琳首演並錄製多首重要作品,如:《梁祝》、《離騷》、《申韻幻想》、《蝶戀花》、《西施》等二胡協奏曲;孫文明的一首具特殊高難度技巧的二胡獨奏曲《夜靜簫聲》亦經邵琳精心推敲研究,重新演繹後搬上音樂舞臺,得到了專家們的一致讚賞和高度評價。就讀音樂學院期間,龍音唱片公司就為她出版了第一張個人專輯《梁祝 離騷》,其後有《紅樓夢》、 《蝶戀花》等。邵琳改編並親自演繹的二胡小品專輯與樂譜集《流行雨》亦陸續出版和發行。




Shao Lin is an erhu player. In 2007, she migrated to Hong Kong as one of the first participants of the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme. In 2009, Shao is appointed as the CPPCC member of Nansha, Guangdong, and employed as an erhu tutor by the Education University of Hong Kong. She is now an erhu tutor at the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Shao Lin started playing erhu at the age of 6, and was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Affiliated Primary School with exemplary scores when she was 10. She honed her skills under the mentorship of Lu Jian-ye, Lin Xin-ming, and Professor Wu Zhi-min. Shao graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music with outstanding performances and joined the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra.


Shao Lin’s erhu performance is delicate, moving and skillful. Her performance style is one-of-a-kind, rich in artistic expressions and appeals.


Shao premiered and recorded a number of significant pieces, which includes the erhu concerto of “Butterfly Lovers”, “Li Sao”, “Shen Yun Huan Xiang”, “Butterfly and Flowers”, “Xi Shi the Beauty”. She also worked meticulously to reinterpret and perform “A Lone Xiao at Night”, an intricate erhu solo piece, by Sun Wen-ming, and gained applause and appreciation by commentators and experts alike. While she was at the Conservatory, she published her first solo album “Butterfly Lovers and Li Sao” with Long Yin Records, followed by “Dream of the Red Chamber”, “Butterfly and Flowers” and so on. Shao also rearranged, performed and published her erhu album and music scores “Liu Xing Yu” at a later stage.


Shao Lin’s solo concerts have been widely acclaimed. She also co-performed “Butterfly Lovers”, “Erhu Rhapsody No.1”, “the Charm of the Tianshan Mountains”, “Bie Yi Nan” and numerous erhu concertos with prominent orchestras and conductors, including the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, the China National Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Taipei Chinese Orchestra and the Macao Chinese Orchestra. She is also featured in programs of CCTV and a number of other press groups.


Shao has been invited to perform in major countries and regions in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Southeast Asia. She is also a ghijak player, frequently playing solos in overseas and major performances.


© 2024 by Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association

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