張文蕊 (小提琴)
張文蕊現為香港小交響樂團副樂團首席、香港中文大學2014-15駐校重奏羅曼四重奏第一小提琴 ,及“Contrast” 薩克斯管、小提琴及鋼琴三重奏創辦成員。曾與香港小交響樂圑及香港城市室樂團等合作獨奏,並為英國廣播電台BBC第三台及香港電台等錄音演出。她曾擔任多個樂團首席,其中部分為 New World Records, Loft Records等錄製唱片; 為Bridge Records錄製的一張唱片更獲提名拉丁格林美獎。她曾參與倫敦交響樂團丶羅徹施特愛樂團和紐約絃樂團等演出, 合作過的指揮家有Valery Gergiev 丶Pierre Boulez和Sir Colin Davis等。張文蕊五歲拜已故林耀基教授門下,其後獲英國倫敦市政廳音樂及戲劇學院頒予全額獎學金, 隨日裔小提琴家David Takeno學習,以優等成績考獲音樂碩士及音樂演奏雙碩士文憑。張氏獲美國伊士曼音樂學院頒博士銜,攻讀期間師隨Charles Castleman 和 Zvi Zeitlin, 並擔任Castleman教授之助教。過去, 張氏獲伊士曼音樂學院頒授予最佳博士生講座音樂會大獎丶優秀室樂大獎丶卓越助教教學大獎丶演奏家證書以及樂團音樂研究文憑。音樂教育方面,張氏曾於倫敦著名的威格摩爾音樂廳舉辦教育工作坊,及曾於香港,美國,泰國,馬來西亞及美國多個大學及音樂節教授大師班。
Kitty Cheung, Associate Concertmaster of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, first violinist of Romer String Quartet, Ensemble-in-Residence 2014-15 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and co-founder of Contrast Trio (violin-saxophone-piano). In the past she had performed in London Symphony Orchestra and Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, and has worked with conductors including Valery Gergiev, Pierre Boulez and Sir Colin Davis. She led ensembles which had made recordings Loft, New World and Bridge Records, the latter of which was nominated for a Latin Grammy.
Cheung has given solo recitals in Germany, Vienna, UK, USA, Thailand, Hong Kong and Shanghai, and appeared as soloist with Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra. She recorded broadcast performances for BBC Radio 3 and Radio Television Hong Kong.
She has given masterclasses at various universities and festivals across USA and Asia. She often led educational workshops, including the Chamber Tots Series in Wigmore Hall, London.
Cheung received Doctor of Musical Arts degree and Performer's Certificate from the Eastman School of Music, where she was the Teaching Assistant of Professor Charles Castleman. She won prizes in teaching, chamber music and the best doctoral lecture recital. She also holds Master of Music, and Master of Music Performance (Guildhall Artist) degrees with distinction from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. She studied under the tutelage of Lin Yao-Ji, Ho Hong-Ying, Charles Castleman, David Takeno and Zvi Zeitlin.