劉語 (敲擊)
敲擊演奏家劉語在亞斯本⾳音樂節中(Aspen Music Festival),其顫⾳音琴的協奏曲⾸首演被亞斯本時報(Aspen Times)讚揚為「觸動⼈心、琴藝超卓的獨奏」;劉氏著重把樂曲的詮釋和精髓呈現在觀眾⾯前,曾演出過不同類型的作品,包括改編自巴哈小提琴奏鳴曲的瑪林巴琴版本,還有前衛作曲家多納托尼和賽納奇斯的當代⾳音樂作品。劉語為2019年年香港藝術發展獎藝術新秀獎得主。
劉氏在美國⽯溪⼤學(Stony Brook University)受教於Eduardo Leandro,主修現代敲擊樂演奏,獲頒音樂藝術博士學位;他亦是紐約大學和香港浸會大學的畢業⽣,分別獲頒⾳樂碩⼠和⾳樂學⼠學位,老師包括 Jonathan Haas, Simon Boyer, James Saporito, Dr. Heung-wing Lung 和 James Boznos. 現任香港浸會⼤學的兼職講師,同時亦有私⼈授課。
劉語亦是美國品牌Marimba One, Black Swamp Percussion 和 Elite Mallets 的藝術家代言⼈。除⾳樂外,亦熱衷於編織,擁有編織協會頒發⼀級編織專家的資格。如需更多資料,請參考 www.matthewlaumusic.com。
https://www.percushop.com/en_US/product/vibraphone/matthew-lau-series https://hongkong.percushop.com/zh_CN/product/marimba/matthewlau https://hongkong.percushop.com/zh_CN/product/vibraphone/matthew-lau-series
Matthew Lau Hailed by the Aspen Times for his “soulful and technically impressive solo” at his vibraphone concerto debut at the Aspen Music Festival, percussionist Dr. Matthew Lau performs a wide range of repertoire with an absolute commitment to communicating the meaning and essence of percussion music to its audience, from arrangement of Bach’s Violin Sonata on marimba to avant-garde contemporary pieces by Franco Donatoni and Iannis Xenakis. Matthew is the winner of the 2019 Hong Kong Arts Development Award for Young Artist in music. Pursuing a strong interest in contemporary percussion music, his vision and aesthetic are aimed to expand the ever-growing percussion repertoire by pushing existing boundaries, incorporating electronics & technologies and discovering new sounds. His interest in exploration of new music has led Matthew to commission new pieces with many renowned composers. He is also the co-founder and artistic director of the contemporary percussion group The Up:Strike Project. A finalist at the 2016 Italy Percussive Arts Society Competition Vibraphone Category, Matthew performs around the world. Recent engagement includes appearance at DrumsFest 2019 Competition & Festival (Moscow, Russia), performance at Percussion Arts Society International Convention (PASIC) 2018 at Indianapolis (USA), recital and masterclasses at Gnessin College of Music (Moscow, Russia), various conservatories and universities in the greater Buenos Aires area (Buenos Aires, Argentina), San Miguel de Tucuman (Tucuman, Argentina), La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Melbourne Conservatorium of Music (Melbourne, Australia),University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia), University of Tennessee at Knoxville (Knoxville, TN), Transplanted Root Percussion Symposium 2017 (Brisbane, Australia), Australian Percussion Gathering 2016 (Brisbane, Australia), The Modern Academy Series by Hong Kong New Music Ensemble (Hong Kong), Summer Institute for Contemporary Performance Practice (Boston, MA). Other engagements in the United States include Rite of Summer Music Festival (New York, NY), Necessary Noise Percussion Festival (Montclair, NJ), New York PAS Weekend of Percussion (New York, NY), Make Music New York (New York, NY), Gettysburg Chamber Music Festival (Gettysburg, PA), Aspen Music Festival (Aspen, CO), Bang On A Can Marathon Concert (New York, NY), Film Music Live! (New York, NY). He
has also performed in Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall, Symphony Space New York, Roulette, Firehouse (Brooklyn, NY), Spectrum (NY), Benedict Music Tent, Harris Concert hall (Aspen, CO), Suntory Hall (Tokyo, Japan), KBS Hall (Seoul, Korea). Matthew obtained his Doctor of Musical Arts in contemporary percussion performance from Stony Brook University under the guidance of Eduardo Leandro. He holds a Master of Music from New York University studying with Jonathan Haas, Simon Boyar, and James Saporito. Previous teachers include Dr. Heung-Wing Lung, and James Boznos. Matthew is currently an adjunct faculty at Hong Kong Baptist University, and maintains a private teaching studio on the side. Dr. Lau is artist endorser of Marimba One, and Black Swamp Percussion; his signature marimba and vibraphone mallets are made by Elite Mallets. Matthew is on the Swiss-based artist management United Soloists roster. Besides music, he is also an avid knitter and certified as a Level 1 Master Knitter by The Knitting Guild Association. For more info, please visit www.matthewlaumusic.com