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Musique Sans Frontières

FRIDAY NIGHT | SEPT 29, 2023 | 8PM


2023  9 月 29 (星期五) 晚上 8



​曲目 Programme


Textile Machine

作曲 Composer:

梁智軒 Leung Chi Hin

* 世界首演 world premiere

* 樂樂國樂團委約創作  Commissioned by the Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited.

演奏 Performers:

梁榐麟/單簧管 Leung Chin Lun/Clarinet

周子樂/馬林巴琴 Colin Chow/Marimba

楊程皓/箏 Yeung Ching Ho/Zheng

馬步萌/小提琴 John Ma/Violin

梁梓鈴/大提琴 Lizzie Leung/Cello


Autumn Snow

作曲 Composer:

林俊熹 Lam Chun Hei Matthew

* 世界首演 world premiere

* 樂樂國樂團委約創作  Commissioned by the Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited.

演奏 Performers:

黃勇康/吉他 Keith Wong/Guitar


Lacrimosus 1’

作曲 Composer:

洪銘健 Chris Hung

演奏 Performers:

Ivan Sadlivskyi/手風琴/Accordion


Beyond Vision

作曲 Composer:

葉劍豪 Ip Kim Ho

* 世界首演 world premiere

* 樂樂國樂團委約創作  Commissioned by the Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited.

演奏 Performers:

梁梓鈴/大提琴 Lizzie Leung/Cello

葉劍豪/揚琴 Ip Kim Ho/Yangqin


In Memoriam

作曲 Composer:

洪銘健 Chris Hung

演奏 Performers:

楊光/尺八 Sunny Yeung/Shakuhachi

Ivan Sadlivskyi/手風琴/Accordion


Fatal Raid

作曲 Composer:

葉俊禧 Eric Yip

演奏 Performers:

馬步萌/小提琴 John Ma/Violin

梁榐麟/單簧管 Leung Chin Lun/Clarinet

梁梓鈴/大提琴 Lizzie Leung/Cello

Ivan Sadlivskyi/手風琴/Accordion

周子樂/敲擊 Colin Chow/Percussion


The Way Alone

作曲 Composer:

李嘉怡 Karry Li

演奏 Performers:

楊光/尺八 Sunny Yeung/Shakuhachi

梁榐麟/單簧管 Leung Chin Lun/Clarinet

梁梓鈴/大提琴 Lizzie Leung/Cello

周子樂/敲擊 Colin Chow/Percussion


Bamboo Spirit

作曲 Composer:

梅廣釗 Mui Kwong Chiu

演奏 Performers:

楊光/尺八 Sunny Yeung/Shakuhachi

楊程皓/箏 Yeung Ching Ho/Zhang

《繪月 • 思月》

Moon Sketches

作曲 Composer:

廖啟賢 Andrew Liu

* 世界首演 world premiere

* 樂樂國樂團委約創作  Commissioned by the Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited.

演奏 Performers:

楊光/尺八 Sunny Yeung/Shakuhachi

周子樂/敲擊 Colin Chow/Percussion

彭偉倫/琵琶 Nigel Pang/Pipa

黃勇康/吉他 Keith Wong/Guitar

梁梓鈴/大提琴 Lizzie Leung/Cello


Let’s Dance! At the Peak

作曲 Composer:

梁志鏘 Leung Chi Cheung

* 世界首演 world premiere

* 樂樂國樂團委約創作  Commissioned by the Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited.

演奏 Performers:

梁榐麟/單簧管 Leung Chin Lun/Clarinet

Ivan Sadlivskyi/手風琴/Accordion

周子樂/敲擊 Colin Chow/Percussion

馬步萌/小提琴 John Ma/Violin

彭偉倫/琵琶 Nigel Pang/Pipa

楊程皓/箏 Yeung Ching Ho/Zheng


Hong Kong Journey

作曲 Composer:

謝家齊 Gerald Garcia

* 世界首演 world premiere

* 樂樂國樂團委約創作  Commissioned by the Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association Limited.

演奏 Performers:

黃勇康/吉他 Keith Wong/Guitar

彭偉倫/琵琶 Nigel Pang/Pipa

楊程皓/箏 Yeung Ching Ho/Zheng

梁榐麟/單簧管 Leung Chin Lun/Clarinet

Ivan Sadlivskyi/手風琴/Accordion

馬步萌/小提琴 John Ma/Violin

梁梓鈴/大提琴 Lizzie Leung /Cello

周子樂/敲擊 Colin Chow/Percussion


Music Director


Leung Chi Cheung


Time traveler actor

王 維

Wang Wei


票價 Ticket:$280 / $200 


Tickets available at URBTIX from 29 August 2023 onwards

音樂會招待三歲或以上人士 For age 3 or above

信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking 2111 5999

網上購票 Internet Booking 

購票應用程式 Mobile Ticketing App  My URBTIX (Android及iPhone版)

票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries 3761 6661

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries 6939 5910

網站 Website


Half-price tickets are available for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients.  Group ticket discounts: 10% off for purchase of 10 to 19 standard tickets; 20% off for purchase of 20 or more standard tickets.  Customers could enjoy ONE of the above discounts for each purchase only.  


主辦機構保留更改演出者與節目之權利 All programme and performers are subject to change.

演出時間連中場休息約兩小時 This concert will be approximately 2 hours in duration, including an interval.

Wavy Abstract Background

© 2024 by Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association

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