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YU Man-Ching Donald

委約作曲家 Commissioned Composer

余文正博士是一位多產作曲家,其作品經常於世界各地首演包括美國、歐洲和亞洲等多個國家,他的作品風格結合了微型複聲部技巧,中國色彩及後現代印象派之元素,美國Fanfare 現代音樂雜誌形容其音樂為「前衛元素與有調性天衣無逢的結合並產生出具備獨特個人之後現代音樂風格,音樂色彩強烈反映個人之文化背景。」余博士已創作超過二百首不同類型的作品,其作品被挑選於不同場合首演包括二零一一年烏克蘭奧德薩音樂廳舉行的「第十七屆國際現代藝術節:新音樂的兩個日與夜」、「2013馬爾他國際春季音樂節」等。于二零一三年十月大型管弦樂及合唱作品《第二號交響曲:世界》於烏克蘭烏日霍羅德音樂大廳由烏日霍羅德愛樂交響樂團及合唱團首演。歐洲、美國及香港的音樂出版社已出版其作品包括德國 Helm and Baynov、荷蘭scherzo editions、義大利Edizioni Sconfinarte、Albany Records。

Man-Ching Donald Yu (b.1980) is a prolific and versatile composer whose music has been actively performed internationally. The style of his recent music is characterized by the blending of post-impressionistic gestures, micropolyphonic techniques, and Chinese colors while being acclaimed by Fanfare Magazine as "forming an arresting and personal intermixing of tonal and atonal languages, with the musical colors and gestures of his native country infiltrating the mix.”  Dr. Yu has composed over hundreds scores and his compositional oeuvre ranges from instrumental, vocal and chamber works to opera, choral and symphonic works. Most of the pieces have been frequently and actively performing internationally at various events, festivals, and conferences throughout the North and South America, Asia, and Europe including the recent 17th International Festival of Modern Art: Two Days and Two Nights of New Music at the Odessa Philharmonic Theater, the 7th Malta International Spring Festival at the Manoel Theatre, etc. In 2013 fall, his Second Symphony “World” for chorus and orchestra was premiered by the Uzhgorod Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus at the  Uzhgorod Philharmonic Hall. Yu's music has been published by Edizioni Sconfinarte in Italy, Helm & Baynov Verlag in Germany, Scherzo Editions in Netherlands and Albany Records.

© 2024 by Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association

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