彭康泰 (笙)
彭康泰現為中國民族管弦樂學會笙專業委員會名譽理事,師隨鄭德惠及翁鎮發。2009年獲香港演藝學院音樂學士學位,2011年獲香港中文大學音樂文學碩士學位。2006年,由中國音樂家音像出版社出版的《著名笙演奏家藝術精品》內收集了彭氏演奏的錄音。彭氏曾參演音樂新文化(2009, 2014)、香港藝術節(2014)、香港週@台北(2016)、聲影集(2016)、法國香港交流音樂會(2019),亦曾參與Fulcrum Point(芝加哥)、香港創樂團、進念二十面體、非凡美樂、香港聖樂團、香港作曲家聯會、華夏音樂促進會、香港中樂團、竹韻小集等藝術團體的演出。
Pang Hong Tai is currently honorary committee member of the Sheng Professional Council of the China Nationalities Orchestra Society. He learned sheng under Maestro Cheng Tak-wai and Maestro Weng Zhen-fa. He was awarded the Bachelor of Music (Honours) Degree (HKAPA) in 2009, and Master of Arts in music (CUHK) in 2011. In 2006, his performances were included in the recording series “Collection of Famous Sheng Artists” selected by the Sheng Professional Council of the China Nationalities Orchestra Society, published by the Chinese Musicians Audio Publishers. He had participated at the contemporary music festival Musicarama (2009, 2014), the Hong Kong Arts Festival (2014), Hong Kong week@Taipei (2016), SOUND- IMAGination: Hong Kong Reflections (2016), France and Hong Kong Exchange Concert (2019). And he had participated in many performances organized by Fulcrum Point (Chicago), Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Zuni Icosahedron, Musica Viva, Hong Kong Oratorio Society, Huaxia Chinese Music Association, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble.