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梁志鏘 (指揮)

樂樂國樂團音樂總監及首席指揮、作曲家、指揮家及音樂教育家。於美國、香港及澳洲接受教育,主修作曲及音樂教育,先後肄業於北德州大學、香港中文大學及皇家墨爾本科技大學,取得音樂學士、音樂碩士、教育文憑及哲學博士學位。梁氏於1985年首奪香港青年音樂家(作曲組)大獎冠軍及1989年奪Pi Kappa Lambda作曲獎,其音樂作品多次在美國、中國、日本、南韓、奧地利、新加坡發表,並分別於美國亞洲藝術節(2009)及日本青森縣立博物館(2010)舉行個人作品專場音樂會。他的作品被形容為「兵行險著,不按常理出牌、極具創意」、「清新、色彩斑斕、有趣迷人」、「曲有盡而意無窮」、「揉合中西音樂元素」、「賦予深厚的人文關懷」、「帶出中國傳統的價值和處世智慧」並「具正面國際視野」。


1974年創立樂樂國樂團,並擔任創團指揮,2007年起任該團音樂總監至今,在任多年積極推動香港音樂創作,委約並發表香港作曲家作品,他執棒世界首演的作品包括葉浩堃《西遊》、黃學揚《霞彩》、楊嘉輝A Relentless Horizontalism、倫偉傑《突襲》、王超鵬《夙夜》、余文正《彈撥之間》《都市琥珀》、梁志鏘《星夜心潮》、《仰天》、《和》等。梁氏曾任香港教育大學博文及社會科學學院副院長及文化與創意藝術學系教授,學術研究範圍廣泛,包括文化產業、音樂教育及中國音樂,除學術期刊論文,著編書目包括《大中華的創意與文化》、《思考文創中華》、《音樂教育政策與實踐:國際視野》、《詩經與楚辭音樂研究》等。


LEUNG Chi-cheung  Conductor

Composer, conductor and educator, Leung studied music majoring in composition (BMus & MMus) in the United States of America (University of North Texas), and received his PGDE and PhD in Hong Kong (Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Australia (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University) respectively. His first original composition Hope for 12 Chinese instruments, won him the First Prize in the Hong Kong Young Musicians’ Award in 1985. He also received the Pi Kappa Lambda Composition Award in 1989. His music compositions have been performed in Singapore, Japan, China, South Korea, Austria and USA by various professional groups and artists. He was invited to present in concerts featuring solely his compositions respectively in the Asian Arts Festival 2009 (USA) and the Aomori Museum of Art (Japan) 2010. His works were critiqued as “brilliant”, “unorthodox”, “creative”, “fresh, colourful, and intriguing”, “intermingling elements of the East and the West”, “highlighting the traditional Chinese value and life wisdom”, “with profound humanistic sympathy” and “speak to a positive international vision”.


In 1974, he founded the Yao Yueh Chinese Music Orchestra and was the founding conductor. He was appointed Music Director in 2007. Under his directorship, he has commissioned over 30 new works by Hong Kong composers. He also premiered conducted works by renowned composers such as Samson Young, Alfred Wong, Austin Yip etc. Leung has wide research interests which cover creative industries, music education and Chinese music. Other than articles published in international journals, he has written and edited books which include Creativity and Culture in Contemporary Greater China, Reflecting about Cultural Entrepreneurship in China, Music Education Policy and Implementation: International Perspective, A Study on the Music of Shijing and Chuci etc.


Leung has been the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, and Professor in the Cultural and Creative Department at The Education University of Hong Kong. Currently he is the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Yao Yueh Chinese Music Association.


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